Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trash Talk for June 27th, 2009!

Latest episode of Trash Talk! Tonight we had Aaron Adams and George Canellis as guest hosts and Loren Finkelstein was there in spirit!

Trash Talk for June 27th, 2009!


LarryInAz said...

Just curious if there is a video available to download of this "momentus event" - I was not able to be home to watch the picnic/trashtalk/podcast as it took place.
I haven't listened to it yet but I certainly hope there were no serious injuries. ;)

TrashTalk2 said...

I tried to get video up and running but uStream was being bitchy. :(

LarryInAz said...

Understood - I'm now about 3 hours into the show and getting a kick out of it. Wish I was around to participate in the chat.

I'd be interested in being a "fly on the wall" of Jay Nelson's attorneys office while they discuss the billable hours for having to listen to TT and/or YML. ;)